The Bringhurst Family

The Bringhurst Family
Russ, Mal, and Ethan

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not coming home :(

Well Russ, Ethan, and I are not making the trip to Utah this year for Thanksgiving. I'm pretty upset about it. This will be the first Thanksgiving that I have not spent with my family. I have been crying for the past few days actually. Russ told me to cheer up because we can stay longer for Christmas now, which is a great thing, but I have been looking forward to seeing my family.
I know its only a month away until we get to come and stay for a little bit, but its already been SO LONG since we have been to Utah. I miss it. I have been getting super home sick lately. Russ has been gone a lot because he is training for deployment. So its just me and Ethan here. My best friend moved home on Friday, so that kinda triggered a wave of emotions. Thinking of her leaving to go home, made me want to go home even more.
Luckily I have such a great family, who lets me call them and talk to them all day! lol. I'm sure my mom and mother in law are sick of me, but they haven't said anything yet, so I will keep on calling and texting! lol.

So I'm trying to look at the positive thing of not making it home to Utah for Thanksgiving. I'm going to make our Thanksgiving Dinner! Which I have never done before. Now that I think of it.... I have not even made anything for Thanksgiving! I just mooched off of my mom and grandmas cooking! So I called my mom asking for a cheap way of making Thanksgiving dinner (my mom is full of cheap solutions, lol, that sounds funny, but its true) she gave me some tips, and I'm going to Wal Mart tomorrow to pick up a few items.......
My whole deal with Thanksgiving is the food.... I LOVE THANKSGIVING DAY FOOD... it has always been my favorite holiday. So I'm pretty nervous at making our first T.D. dinner... Russ will pretty much eat anything.. so if it doesn't turn out good, he will still smile and eat it. :)

I will miss the tradition part though...
At Russ gma Myrnas house on T.D. dinner, after everyone has eaten, we bunch up our napkins into little balls and throw them in each others water glasses! lol. Its so fun. My first year I went, no one told me so I was out first because Nate cheated and threw his napkin in my glass... I was prepared for the next year though... I almost won... (then gma Myrna said that the winner was going to help do dishes so I tried not to win... lol)
At my moms house we always just talk.... lol. My gma's love to talk, which is great because I love to talk too! (maybe that's where I get it from) Its so nice just being with family and catching up. We sometimes play games, but mostly we just dote over the babies, and talk about how crazy our family is. I love hearing the stories from my grandmas about my parents. That's always the best.

Well hopefully my T.D. dinner will turn out! Ill take pictures (I have to document my first Thanksgiving alone!) and post them on Friday! I'm going for this look...
.... highly unlikely... but I'm going to try! LOL
(oh and Russ said that there will be marsh mellows on the yams..he only likes it that way)

Happy Thanksgiving in 2 Days! I hope everyone has a wonderful time! The Bringhurst family will be having fun cooking and playing games!

Oh and T.D. stands for Thanksgiving Day. Just in case you didn't get that. It was too long to type... I kinda got excited thinking about the food and wanted to type really fast so T.D. seemed reasonable. lol


  1. TD...haha you're so funny! We're going to miss you guys!! Cam needs his cousin! But it's ok, it'll make Christmas that much more exciting! Good luck with your dinner.... We love you!

  2. I love you Sissy!! Being away from family sucks! But, it sounds like you guys will have a yummy TD dinner :) I wish you could come to Omaha...I wish I didn't live SOOOO far away, BOOO! I hope I will be able to see you soon. Love you!!!

  3. Hey Mal, wish you could be here with us today. Love you.
