So I took pictures of our Thanksgiving... Here they are!!!
So there are my Mommy Dearests Yams, Some Au Gratin potatoes, and stuffing...
Hawaiian Rolls, our Hormel Turkey with gravy, and my Cranberry jelly!
The Hormel Turkey and Gravy was perfect, just the right amount for Russ and I.
The finished product... I tried to get one of Russ, but he ate it all by the time I got to him... lol
my cooking thumbs up!!! :)
Russ and I LOVE sparking cider, we both can drink 3 bottles to ourselves really.. but I got this bottle for us to share... Notice the Cowboys jerseys... they had a hard loss yesterday.. they almost won.. but no luck.
This is where Ethan was while we were eating... he wouldn't eat anything! He didn't feel good, so Russ said that was normal... but I felt so bad, I kept bugging him to come eat, but he wouldn't!
So that's my cheap T.D. Dinner! Here is what everything costs!
Yams 1 can: .96
Marsh mellows: 1.00
Stuffing: free, I already had a box.. :) but that only cost 1.00 too...
Au Gratin: .98
Cranberry Jelly: .60
Rolls: 2.00
Sparkling cider: 2.00
Cookies: 2.75
Hormel Turkey: 4.98
So that's a $15.27 Thanksgiving Dinner! :) Thanks mommy dearest for teaching me some cheap solutions! :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful T.D. We can wait to come see you all in December!
Looks yummy! Poor Ethan :( I'm glad that he is feeling better now. Love you!